The Symphony of Science

Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 7:00 AM Bookmark and Share
Recently, I came across a website called "The Symphony of Science" by way of their youtube page. It's a pretty interesting endeavor by producer John Boswell towards an honorable goal: to "deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form."

Their latest video, The Poetry of Reality (An Anthem for Science), features a nice mix of popular skeptics and scientists - some of whom you are sure to recognize.  Check it out!

So far, they've produced a few videos and audio tracks which are available on their website (and youtube). It's not exactly the sort of music I'd expect to hit the top of the pop charts, but it's a pretty catchy way to present some (hopefully) thought provoking ideas to a wider audience.

Feel free to browse the videos and songs then share your thoughts in the comments below.


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